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Breakthrough by Audra Butler

I have been feeling some very strange and growing emotions since quarantine began.  I can’t define them. The only way to describe them are jumbled and cloudy.  It’s as if my mind and heart are growing cloudier with each day.

I was texting back and forth last night with a dear sister (because that’s what you do in quarantine 😂).  Her texts to me were the exact feelings I had been experiencing.  It was confirmation that we were to start praying for breakthrough.

I woke up early this morning and was so ready to sit in His presence, open His word, read what He had for me and hear His sweet voice.  But, when I looked outside, the sunrise caught me!  I immediately ran out to enjoy the pinks and oranges filling the sky.  Then, I turned the opposite way and I was in awe of the almost full moon and a Great Blue Heron sitting so majestically on the neighbor’s pier.  Our Creator’s beauty always outdoes itself and speaks an infinite amount of words. 

I came back in and sat down... I did open His word... and He led me to Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”  I love this!  Yes, He does hold ALL things together because they have gone through HIS hands!  Then, I scrolled up to Colossians 1:16...

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

All things have been created through Him and FOR Him.  Yes, beautiful comfort. THIS SEASON IS MADE FOR HIM... whatever that looks like... regardless of how cloudy.

I was searching my page when I saw that I had written, “Psalm 139” in my Bible at some point... so, I turned there.  This entire Psalm from David has beautiful truths throughout it.  I have read this Psalm many times in the past, but, something struck me...

“If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me, even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.’” Psalm 139:11-12

Then, He took me back to the place I stood moments before I opened his Word.  When I faced the East, the beginning of a new day was right in front of me and when I turned to the West, a dark night was coming to an end.  This visual of His majesty paired with His Living Word was the BIGGEST answer to my prayers.  Even in my darkness, He is still light. He is still clarity.  He still sees and knows in perfect order without confusion.  All of these things- jumbled, unclear, unsure things- are filtering through His beautiful hands.  And He is the One guiding me!  I can rest in this truth!  Even the darkness is not dark to my God... Thank You, Holy Spirit, for this breakthrough of Your truth.


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